Tuesday, June 27, 2006


SHIT I HATE......I love it! jenn tagged me.

1. Hippies (shower you smelly fuckers......)
2. Environmentalists (there is no global warming)
3. Pacifist and peace mongers.....You moronic. "visualize world peace" suck my ass and kill yourself.
4. Gun Control activists. God I hate you people so much....Maybe you should be #1 but this is sudden thoughts so these asshole are on the tip top. (Ted Kennedy's car has killed more people than my guns.)
5. Reverse racism. Affirmative action is just as wrong as segregation or any other hillbilly bullshit. I want a colorblind society where skin color has nothing to do with it, and we hate people for who they are not the color of their skin. I don't need a chickenshit ignorant reason to hate someone....Ill find a good one like an environmental, hippy, peacemongering asshole that is trying to steal my guns!
6. Thieves. Why cant we kill them?
7. 49er fan. You suck. The best raider game ever was when we were at candlestick and the silver and black just took over.
8. Giants fan. You almost suck as bad as 49er fan but not really worthy of as much hate because for a century you have only proven yourself to be baseballs whooping boy.
9. People that use their cellphones in stores or in public. Tell them you will call them back so I don't have to hear about Billy fucking sarah's best friend after he gave robin a promise ring.
10. Customer service or lack there of now days.
11. Vegetarians. Especially the ones that think I shouldn't eat meat. If god didn't want us to eat meat he wouldn't have made it taste so good.
12. Motorola. 6 phones in a year FUCK YOU YOU SUCK
13. Blog taggers enuf said.
14. Sierra club. I actually like to see and enjoy/take in the outdoors, so shove your Honda insight up your ass and trying to make it illegal to go wheeling.
15. Judicial activists. That's what the legislative branch is for.
16. that fucker in line that doesn't have there shit together and BS's with the checker about the most useless shit. i go up, say hi, punch my phone number slide my card and bag my shit (I make the baggers look like shit. lazy asshats.) and leave.
17. Spelling and grammar nazis.
18. Unions, they are more full of themselves than firefighters......oh yeah most nozzle jockeys are in unions. Advance in life by proving yourself and showing you are worth more. Don't demand shit you don't fucking deserve. Everyone of you that I have met is a lazy fuck.
19. Women and Men that think everyone wants them. The ones at the bar that are so full of themselves it just oozes all over the place.....They were my favorite to piss off. I used to get off on telling off the hottest chick in the bar. No I don't want you. Why the fuck would I want you. you self absorbed cuntrag.
20. Liberals!!!!!!!!!! the government does not exist to take away others freedom. Leave my guns, my truck, my tasty animals, my money, and my life alone.

tagging Becky. i like to pick on you. mellisa! HHAHAHAHA, and Tina BAM!


Blogger Mike said...

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!! I'm with you on 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14........ok just about every one! I've been tagged too, so now I have to go and make my own list.

5:37 AM  
Blogger Jenn said...

You hate ME! I am most of those things!!! INCLUDING A FUCKING 49ERS FAN!!!!! OMG!!!! Like we don't have enough problems we need YOU to put us down TOO?!!?!?!?


And WHY do I think your funny when you are my EXACT OPPOSITE?!?!?!

AND how do you TAG people when you HATE BLOG TAGGERS!?!?!?!?!

11:09 AM  
Blogger Becky at lifeoutoffocus said...

first of all thanks for tagging me. THANKS ALOT

2nd of all i LOVED this post. know who's gonna love it more? matt. i'm emailing it to him. i'll tell you what he says. because i could swear HE wrote this post.

11:14 AM  
Blogger Becky at lifeoutoffocus said...

oh and also i'll do this one tomorrow. i gotta think on it some. do i really hate 20 things? haha.


11:16 AM  
Blogger Becky at lifeoutoffocus said...

lol one more thing. i can't stop commenting. i am with you totally on this: the reverse racism. affirmative action pisses me the HELL off. and i'm not even white. heh.

matt will be with you TOTALLY on the liberal thing. he thinks the liberals are the cause of everything bad in the world lol

11:18 AM  
Blogger point45 said...

hate is more reserved for generalizations.....once you get onto a personal level and you have an intelectual conversation that points out the differences in opinions. it allows for respectful disegreements.

my brother is in the ACLU but i dont hate him....i just think he is retarded.

3:59 PM  
Blogger point45 said...

rock on mike!

why not hippies? i live in the sespool of hippies.....there is no way you cannot hate the ones here. OMG you can smell the pachulee oil in kansas. (sp)

4:01 PM  
Blogger point45 said...

becky...its obvious you want me.

4:01 PM  
Blogger Melissa said...

I don't know why you think you can tag people when you only blog once a week or so. I mean really.

Your list cracked me up, although I think Jennster is a saint for living with you. ;)

I'll do it tomorrow. You sure know how to crack me up though. It's so dam funny, yet so wrong. You should really post more often.

5:10 PM  
Blogger Jenn said...

Why not #1? BECAUSE HIS WIFE IS ONE, POINT!!! And he likes getting laid! LOL

7:21 PM  
Blogger point45 said...

i cannot force a blog......ive tried....they suck.

8:16 PM  
Blogger Mike said...

Yes she is...........our daughter is named after a Dead song.

6:39 AM  
Blogger Becky at lifeoutoffocus said...

LOL i do not want you.

I do want jenn however ;)

6:55 AM  
Blogger Jenn said...

You love me, Point! Just admit it! You sneak listening to the dead when Jenn goes away on vacation don't you? =oP

7:02 AM  
Blogger Melissa said...

You are right, forced blogs do suck. I get it. I did it for you. COme see.

4:35 PM  
Blogger point45 said...

no, i hate the dead....you know jerry died right here in our area

5:04 PM  
Blogger point45 said...

becky what did matt say

5:04 PM  
Blogger spidey said...

Dot, you and my dad would get along great! I used to be super conservative, but I am becoming more *gasp* liberal all the time. Just don't tell my parents! lol

12:47 PM  
Blogger point45 said...

thats strange most of the time when people get older they get more conservative

as the saying goes:

"if you under 30 and conservative, you dont have a heart, if you over 30 and a liberal you dont have a brain."

10:35 PM  
Blogger Virginia Belle said...

OMG. i totally agree w/everything on this list. i hate liberals. they are TOTOALLY ruining this country. i couldn't agree more w/you. esp. the hippies. they suck. they need to brush their hair.

yup,i agree w/it all, except the sports stuff, because i dont' care about professional sports. just college.

i love that quote about being under/over 30....i think there is a lot of truth in that. i've been told i'm heartless before....but if i'm harsh for believing in personal responsibility and low taxes, then call me heartless.

7:12 AM  
Blogger texas math said...

All I can say is ...you shouldn't hate vegetarians...I actually hope that the world breeds more and more of them...because every animal that doesn't have to suffer because of their hunger, becomes my second helping at dinner.

9:26 PM  
Blogger spidey said...

LOL, that is what my dad always says! I think for me it is because I grew up in such a rural, conservative area and no one was gay or a racial minority, plus I was pretty religious. Now I have experienced a lot more, and have become more liberal because of it. I would not call myself a "liberal" though, since I am still pro-life, pro-gun, etc., but there are definitely areas where I don't agree with the conservatives, like gay marriage. Not sure why I felt the need to explain myself, but oh well. :)

10:47 AM  
Blogger Kristin said...

Oh, dear... I think you and I might pretty much hate each other. I am #2, #3, and #4. Also, #9, and #20.

How do you possibly live in Northern CA? You should live here, amongst your people, in Orange County.

9:19 AM  
Blogger Tina said...

I am just now seeing this! I think it is too late for me to blog about it now.

Ster, how in the hell do you live with this man?!

12:50 PM  
Blogger Evil Witch said...

okay so I have to say it, not all hippy's stink, some of them acctually bathe, I went through a pretty lengthy hippy faze and at NO point during that insanity did I stop BATHING, no human should go more than two days without soap and water unless their camping or hunting.

1:30 PM  
Blogger Evil Witch said...

ps its visualize "whirled peas"

1:31 PM  
Blogger *Tanyetta* said...

i love it!!!!!!

#1, and (#17 Eye Hayte thim two.) LOL

9:44 PM  
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5:37 PM  

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