fucking hippies.
so today i get off work and come out to my car to find this:
most likey due the fact that i also have this:

i just hate hippies and the stereotypes put on 4 wheelers. I go and enjoy nature, be one with nature. i also clean nature. i have a roll of garbage bags in my truck for picking up other peoples trash and leaving it cleaner than i found it.
fuck them
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Come on Jennster..........you know it was you.
lol mike
i would be pissed too point.
what is sierra club?
the sierra club is good in theory, but they're like peta- an environmental group that is totally extreme. they hate offroaders because they think we destroy the environment. they want to close all public roads- the roads we wheel on. they totally stereotype all offroaders as being reckless and people who don't care about the trails we're on. when the truth of it is, we leave the trail cleaner than we found it. we stay ON the trial. we don't drink and wheel. and.. ARGH.. they're assholes. lol
Um point...Is your truck pink??? Just curious.
But it totally sucks. People can be dick heads. Love the sticker by the way.
WHy does your truck look Pink in that picture? Is it?
Hey point...........just like I said, It was Jennster. She posted at the same time as the deleted comment. SHE'S THE TREE HUGGER!!!
I think you should have a design of a kid pissing on a hippie made and slap it on your truck
LOL- it was me who deleted, cause my comment posted twice!
i'm with you. i hate hippies too. they smell and they dance funny. what is with them, anyway?
props to you for picking up garbage! v. cool.
how ironic that they wasted a piece of paper to tell you that you are bad for the environment.
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