so im going to marry this:

A fucking pothead.
i just remebered this pic......i couldnt reisit.
i love jennster. while i was on vaction this wonderfull woman spent her sunday watching nascar and football and was texting me updates......i would nominate her for wife of the year but we arent married yet......
and since im gonna get in trouble for embarrasing her with a picture i will sacrifice a pic of myself and my tan to even the score.

that. rocks. LOL
omg, put your shirt on. please! LOL
i love you.
You guys make me sick!! Give me that pot so I can throw up in it!!
mike, if you throw up in that ill have to cook it and serve it back to you.....and even worse you will have to clean it......since i cooked it.
Awwwwww, so cute. ;)
omg I love that picture! Both of them. And point, don't let Mike fool you......he's always sickeningly cute. =oP
you think im hot.
yea he is. when he talks about you.
"fucking cuntrag.......fucking bitch.....ugly fucking whore.......fuck."
havent you died yet cunt?
I love that picture of Jenn. That is classic. You have to come up with a goofier picture of you though. and Teri....Jenn is a much bigger person than I would be if you were on my blog, I would have blocked you out so fast it would have made your head spin. Go somewhere else, you are not wanted or needed here. AND...leave Jenn's son out of this!!!! Certainly there must be things that you and your husband do that you would never do in front of the kids. GET A CLUE!!!!! Jenn's son is one of the most polite, well behaved kids on the face of the earth AND he doesn't swear. I can't believe you turned your comments off so I have to post all this here!!!! You are the biggest chicken shit!!!!! and what happened to those stupid posts about barely making it to work on time? GO AWAY!!!!
Hey asked for the tag....YOU DID!!!
You are both too cute!
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